Erasmus + | Incoming

Escola IkasLan


It was with great pleasure that we received, today, May 15th 2023, the visit of 3 teachers from IkasLan School, Gipuzkoa.
They were welcomed by a multidisciplinary team from ISTEC Lisbon that made a presentation of the Institute, covering the various areas of activities. They also had the opportunity to watch a practical demonstration with students from the CTeSP Computer Networks and Systems in the classroom.
They also visited the facilities (several specific rooms) and the exterior of our campus.
The knowledge sharing was excellent for both parties, making it possible to establish another partnership.

Fue con gran placer que recibimos, hoy, 15 de mayo de 2023, la visita de 3 profesores del Colegio IkasLan, Gipuzkoa.
Fueron recibidos por un equipo multidisciplinar de ISTEC Lisboa que hizo una presentación del Instituto, abarcando las diversas áreas de actividades. También tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a una demostración práctica con alumnos del CTeSP Redes y Sistemas Informáticos en el aula.
También visitaron las instalaciones (varias salas específicas) y el exterior de nuestro campus.
El intercambio de conocimientos fue excelente para ambas partes, lo que permitió establecer otra colaboración.

Escola Profissional Superior Nova Gorica


It was with great pleasure that we received on May 15, 2023, the visit of 11 teachers from the Higher Vocational School Nova Gorica (Slovenia).
They were welcomed by a multidisciplinary team from ISTEC Lisbon that made a presentation of the Institute, covering the various areas of activities. They also had the opportunity to talk with a professor and with the Director of the Degree in Multimedia Engineering, having been created the possibility of partnerships in several areas (teaching, Erasmus+ mobility, among others). They also visited the facilities (several specific rooms) and the exterior of our campus.
Once again, the sharing of knowledge was excellent, for both parties.

Z velikim veseljem smo 15. maja 2023 sprejeli obisk 11 učiteljev z Višje strokovne šole Nova Gorica (Slovenija).
Sprejela jih je multidisciplinarna ekipa iz ISTEC Lizbona, ki je pripravila predstavitev inštituta in zajela različna področja dejavnosti. Imeli so tudi priložnost za pogovor s profesorjem in z direktorjem študija multimedijskega inženirstva, saj so bile ustvarjene možnosti za partnerstva na več področjih (poučevanje, mobilnost Erasmus+, med drugim). Ogledali so si tudi prostore (več posebnih sob) in zunanjost našega kampusa.
Tudi tokrat je bila izmenjava znanja odlična za obe strani.

Instituto Valmojado de Toledo

I.E.S. Cañada Real

For 3 months (from April 01 until July 01 2023) ISTEC receives two interns from Instituto Valmojado de Toledo (I.E.S. Cañada Real) in the Vocational Training - Microcomputer Systems and Networks. It is with great pleasure that we will enjoy a sharing of experiences, learning and cultures, with a view to the full integration of the trainees and excellent results of their performance.

Durante 3 meses (desde 01 de Abril hasta 01 de Julio 2023) ISTEC recibe dos becarios del Instituto Valmojado de Toledo (I.E.S. Cañada Real) en la Formación Profesional - Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes. Es con gran placer que vamos a disfrutar de un intercambio de experiencias, aprendizaje y culturas, con vistas a la plena integración de los pasantes y excelentes resultados de su desempeño.

University of Crete, Greece

It was a pleasure to host Epistimi and Eleftheria from the University of Crete, from 09/21 to 09/23/2022, through the Erasmus+ Program (Job Shadowing mobility). It was excellent sharing knowledge and good times, for both parties.

Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, Ελλάδα

Ήταν χαρά μας να φιλοξενήσουμε την Επιτήμη και την Ελευθερία από το Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, από 21/09 έως 23/09/2022, μέσω του προγράμματος Erasmus+ (Job Shadowing mobility). Ήταν εξαιρετική η ανταλλαγή γνώσεων και οι καλές στιγμές, και για τα δύο μέρη.

Constanta University, Romania

During the week of April 26 to 29, 2022 ISTEC was pleased to welcome non-teaching staff from Constanta University, Romania, through the ERAMSUS+ program (Job Shadowing mobility)

Universitatea din Constanța, România

În săptămâna 26-29 aprilie 2022, ISTEC a avut plăcerea de a primi personal nedidactic de la Universitatea din Constanța, România, prin programul ERAMSUS+ (Job Shadowing mobility).

Romania's Constanta University

Through the Erasmus+ Program, in the week of February 6th to 9th 2023, we had the pleasure of receiving, again, colleagues (non-teaching staff) from Constanta University, Romania, in Job Shadowing.
It was with great pleasure that we shared experiences and knowledge, in a very healthy conviviality with all the Istec team.

Universitatea Constanța din România

Prin Programul Erasmus+, în săptămâna 6-9 februarie 2023, am avut plăcerea de a primi, din nou, colegi (personal nedidactic) de la Universitatea Constanța, România, în Job Shadowing.
Cu mare plăcere am împărtășit experiențe și cunoștințe, într-o foarte sănătoasă convivialitate cu toată echipa Istec.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey

During 3 months (from 02/03 to 30/05/2022) ISTEC received, with great satisfaction, a trainee from this University (Management Information Systems degree).
Kaan was part of the Development Team, having conceived and designed part of a Web application (Registration of new students, user-level management), among other collaborations.
It was with great pleasure that we could enjoy the sharing of experiences, learning and cultures, associated with an easy and pleasant integration of the trainee in ISTEC's team. The sharing of experiences and knowledge was very interesting for both parties.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Türkiye

ISTEC, 3 ay boyunca (02/03-30/05/2022 tarihleri arasında) bu üniversiteden bir stajyeri (Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri derecesi) büyük bir memnuniyetle kabul etti.
Kaan, diğer işbirliklerinin yanı sıra bir Web uygulamasının (yeni öğrencilerin kaydı, kullanıcı düzeyinde yönetim) bir bölümünü tasarlayarak Geliştirme Ekibinin bir parçası oldu.
Stajyerin ISTEC ekibine kolay ve keyifli bir şekilde entegre olmasıyla bağlantılı olarak deneyimlerin, öğrenmenin ve kültürlerin paylaşılmasından büyük memnuniyet duyduk. Deneyim ve bilgi paylaşımı her iki taraf için de çok ilginçti.