Master's Degree | Computer Science


Scientific Area

Electronics and Automation








O1 – Design, plan, implement and describe an investigation, based on the structure of a dissertation or project;
O2 – Critically reflect on the elements involved in analyzing and interpreting the data collected;
O3 – Understand and make judicious use of the main appropriate forms of communication and public presentation of the results obtained in a study or research project, both for the scientific community and for other audiences;
O4 – Develop soft skills that are increasingly necessary in a digital and global society.


Given the specific nature of this curricular unit, the syllabus will be materialized in the writing of the students’ dissertation or project work as well as in interaction with companies, entrepreneurs and guest lecturers who will bring their realities into the course and this unit in particular. However, some
contents will be covered, namely:

1 Stages of preparing a dissertation or project;
2 Literature review;
3 Analysis of qualitative and/or quantitative data collected (depending on the type of study);
4 Research ethics. Protecting data, participants and the institutions involved;
5 Structuring, communicating and presenting research work;
6 Soft skills. Different types of skills and their importance for employers and the job market.

Content 6 will rely on the master’s degree partners, in particular Bold International, who will give seminars to the students.


It is considered important for researchers to have up-to-date information, contact with recent research theories applied in technological contexts (IT and multimedia) and the results of their experiences, so that they can understand the starting point of a research project (identification of a problem).
The Seminar curricular unit is intended as a space for contact with different research methodologies and as a space for reflection and action that promotes the development of the dissertation or project work and brings students closer to the market and the market closer to the students. A relationship with the business community that is intended to be close and fruitful.


Learning is assessed systematically through the development of activities (individual and group) and the delivery of requested intermediate products (to be developed individually).
These products focus on the development of chapters that are part of the dissertation or project to be submitted to public examinations at the end of the master’s degree, but may also give rise to scientific articles to be submitted to journals and/or conferences in the field.


The curricular unit takes place in the 2nd year of the Master’s course, specifically in the 4th semester, both to support the completion of the project or dissertation and to get closer to the market and the specific work context in the area of the course. The dissertation/project is monitored in fortnightly sessions, with group sessions interspersed with individual guidance sessions to be scheduled with the respective teacher-supervisor.
The supervising professor is responsible for the scientific supervision of the student’s dissertation and this is defined in coordination between the student and the course coordinator.
The work methodology involves different activities such as:

– Reading and analysis of thematic texts (in the area of the dissertation or project) and on research methods and processes, according to the problems selected by the students;

– Critical analysis of research articles/projects related to the themes in question with a view to:

i) drawing up the theoretical framework for the dissertation or project;
ii) organizing, presenting and discussing the results;

– Work in small groups when the themes so justify (e.g. development of an essay/article by groups of students);

– Presentation of the intermediate products developed within the scope of the dissertation or project, by each master’s student, to the class (teachers and peers), in accordance with the specific phases defined for the preparation of the dissertation or project.


Bogdan, R. & Biklen, S. (1994) Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto: Porto Editora.

Carmo, H., & F erreira, M. M. (1998). Metodologia da Investigação Guia para Autoaprendizagem. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.

Coutinho, C. P. (2011). Metodologia de investigação em ciências humanas e sociais: Teoria e prática. Coimbra: Almedina.

De Ketele, J. & Roegiers, X. (1999). Metodologia da Recolha de Dados: fundamentos dos métodos de observações, de questionários, de entrevistas, e de estudo de documentos. Lisboa: I. Piaget.

Fortin, M.F., Côté, J., & Filion, F. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de investigação (N. Salgueiro, Trans.). Loures: Lusodidacta.

Gibbs, G. (2009). Análise de Dados Qualitativos. Porto Alegre: Artmed.

Pardal, L., & Lopes, E. S. (2011). Métodos e técnicas de investigação social. Porto: Areal Edit ores.